Stacy is Taking a Break from Blogging

Hey everyone!

I’m just going to jump right in and say this because there is not an easy way to say it. Starting July first I’ll be taking a break from blogging. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed for awhile now but it has finally gotten to the point where it starting to take a heavy toll on me. I still have a few blog obligations (blog tours) that I have promised to participate in and I’ll post those on my scheduled days.

This decision wasn’t an easy one because I love reading and reviewing books. But after blogging for awhile, it all started to affect my mental health. It got to the point where I was becoming manic about how my reviews sounded. Did I use the right words? Are readers going to make fun of my writing? Are they going to be upset because I loved/hated a certain book? It became a non-stop issue and I would panic about all of my reviews and what I was reading. I would write my review out and I would read and reread it so many times that I would never be happy with how it was all worded. I felt as if I was embarrassing myself constantly.

Another thing that made me make this decision was my spending habits on the newest books. I felt that everyone expected me to read and review the latest titles. I know that’s not really the truth but it was how I felt. I would pre-order and order so many books that I have hundreds and maybe thousands of unread books that I have purchased over the past couple of years. It’s honestly an addiction. After making this decision, I logged into Waterstones, B&N, and Books-a-million and canceled a bunch of pre-ordered books. I did keep a few but I canceled the majority of them.

And the final straw for me was that this felt like a second job to me. I’ve been there and worked two full-time jobs for awhile and it sucked. So when doing something I loved felt like a job, I knew that I needed to change something, And on top of this feeling like a job, I was getting little to no acknowledgement for the work I put into everything. It got frustrating. The pressure to do this was a heavy weight to carry.

I’m so sorry to everyone who reads my posts and loves seeing what I’m getting myself into. This isn’t a goodbye but a see you later type of situation. I hated being in this situation and that it came down to this. I just need a breather to get myself focused and into a better frame of mind.

And yes, I’m still going to be reading but I’m going to be reading what I want. So my reading choices might be a tad bit different than what I have been posting and I’ll finally be able to start reading my backlog of books.

If you would like to keep in touch with me while I take a break. I’ll add my Goodreads and Instagram links below.

Thank you all so much and see everyone soon.

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There is nothing better than a great cup of coffee and an even better book.

23 thoughts on “Stacy is Taking a Break from Blogging

  1. Sending you hugs and utmost respect for such an open, frank post. You sound like you’re making a very wise decision, and I wish you well xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. i wish you all the best. i took a break not too long back, lasted about 2 or 3 years and i’ve never felt better. i definitely burned myself out. blogging is no fun when it becomes a second job. i’m sure this is the best decision you could’ve made for your mental health.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! 💜
      I don’t think people realize how much goes into blogging, it’s so much more than just posting a review. Plus we all need a break every once in awhile to gather our thoughts and to get back into the groove of things.


  3. Sorry to see you leave, but it is sort of the right thing to do. Once blogging starts to feel like a job and you’re stressing out too much, that’s not good. Blogging should always be for fun in my opinion.

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