*Goodreads Monday 12/28/20* What Big Teeth- Rose Szabo

What Big Teeth

Eleanor has not seen or spoken with her family in years, not since they sent her away to Saint Brigid’s boarding school. She knows them only as vague memories: her grandfather’s tremendous fanged snout, the barrel full of water her mother always soaked in, and strange hunting trips in a dark wood with her sister and cousins. And she remembers the way they looked at her, like she was the freak.

When Eleanor finally finds the courage to confront her family and return to their ancestral home on the rainy coast of Maine, she finds them already gathered in wait, seemingly ready to welcome her back with open arms. “I read this in the cards,” her grandmother tells her. However, Grandma Persephone doesn’t see all, for just as Eleanor is beginning to readjust to the life she always longed for, a strange and sudden death rocks the family, leaving Eleanor to manage this difficult new dynamic without help.

In order to keep the family that abandoned her from falling apart, Eleanor calls upon her mysterious other grandmother, Grandmere, from across the sea. Grandmere brings order to the chaotic household, but that order soon turns to tyranny. If any of them are to survive, Eleanor must embrace her strange family and join forces with the ghost of Grandma Persephone to confront the monstrousness lurking deep within her Grandmere-and herself.


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There is nothing better than a great cup of coffee and an even better book.

25 thoughts on “*Goodreads Monday 12/28/20* What Big Teeth- Rose Szabo

      1. Omg ADSOM was a massive disappointment for me! I expected so much more bc of the hype. I think when I’m hyped for a book I should just expect to be disappointed that way when it’s good I’m surprised. Lol

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m pushing ADSOM back until people stop talking about it now 😂 That’s so sad to hear though.
        Hype just needs to stop in general.
        There’s a debut coming out this year that’s been hyped up so much that I actually took it off of my tbr because of it. It’s ridiculous.


      3. What debut?? I mean I dont really pay as much attention to what other people are super excited for as much anymore. It’s really my own hype that can be an issue. Like I want something so bad or I’m so excited for it that I’m bound to be disappointed.


      4. Everyone has been posting about this book on twitter every single day and most days that’s alll I would see. I finally had to mute the Author and block out the title of her book. The book is Wings of Ebony.


      5. Ah I can see why it’s super hyped. I saw that one and personally wasnt interested so maybe that’s why I havent seen it everywhere. But I’m also not on book twitter much these days. Me and social media have mostly parted ways.


      6. I’ve noticed that you haven’t been on social media in quite some time. You honestly aren’t missing anything but I wish I had your willpower. I’m addicted to scrolling through Instagram and I’ve blown an hour without even realizing it.


      7. Lately I’ve been using reddit actually and pinterest and youtube. I’ve been working on designing a crochet project (a stuffed bunny) and I can spend hours scrolling through photos of other people’s patterns looking for inspiration. But social media got really toxic a while back and so I kinda stopped using it. I’d like to get back into Instagram though and take more photos.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. I miss seeing your photos on Instagram.
        The toxicity on social media is so bad for people’s mental health. It’s the main reason why I permanently deleted Facebook years ago and it was a blessing in disguise. I no longer have to deal with any of that petty drama.
        That’s awesome. I bet the bunny is going to turn out adorable ☺️


      9. I want to get back into insta! It’s just so much pressure to keep up with it all and the pandemic is draining enough as it is. Honestly I never go on FB anymore and I don’t miss it at all.

        My bunny is almost done. Although I do have to resize the body because shes a bit of a chunker right now! 🤣

        Liked by 1 person

      10. FB is the absolute worst. Too much drama and stalking. I just can’t handle any of that. Life is so much better wihtout. Yay for us on that part.
        Oh, and I totally understand. I haven’t posted much on IG but I love looking at other people’s posts and entering giveaways.

        Cute! I love chunky bunnies. I can’t wait to see it when it’s completed!!


      11. I might post a blog post about the bunny or put it on insta. I havent decided yet. But I am gonna be selling the pattern. Shes almost done I just havent had time to work on her much this week bc I’ve been slammed with work

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