*Arc Review* Bring Me Their Hearts- Sara Wolf

“Jealousy rises in me again- a snake that adores emerging whenever the humans do wonderful and stupid things with their mortal lives. They can risk so much, because they have so much. Their hearts. Futures. Freedoms. And here I am, begging for their scraps. Begging for an opening to take what I want and run.”

My friend, Jennifer and I thought we had this all figured out. We texted each other while reading this, filling each other in on our plot scenarios that we have guessed and we were both so wrong.

What unfolds through these pages is something magical. Something that will not only break your heart, but will blow your mind. I couldn’t be more in love with this new series.

Everyone knows I’m not much of a Fantasy reader but I’m slowly starting to come around. This is what reluctant fantasy readers need to read. It changes your entire outlook on the genre.

Let’s talk about the Heartless badass known as Zera. Her character was what we all dream of when we need a powerful woman who doesn’t let anyone stop her. She doesn’t let no man her in her way and let us bow down to this queen.

Prince Lucien was another star shining character that was easily lovable from the beginning. It was easy to connect with these well thought-out characters. I never wanted it to end.

The beautiful words that flow from page to page makes me think of Holly Black. There’s something striking about the way they both write and how they capture your attention with not only the actions taking place but the pure perfection of their words.

I can not brag about this book any more than I am already doing. I’m also going to need book two right now because that end has me on edge.

Thank you, Entangled Teen for sending me this surprise arc.

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There is nothing better than a great cup of coffee and an even better book.

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