Richelle mead signing

Richelle mead is my fav author and should of seen me when new schedule was being put up and I saw I had not 1 but both days Richelle was in a area both times I danced around my break room happy as all get out. But day of 8-26-18 was in collegeville pa. A town about 40 mins west of Philadelphia. I get there and what do I see this place serves wine and my first book store that ever did!!

Soo chilling reading waiting. About 4 some other people come for the signing so get talking with them and was nice. Finally the signing happens. Richelle comes out. It’s always funny no matter what signing someone is afraid to ask there question. I have read the emerald sea already so I asked while also being kind to others who have not read it I said did you intend to write a character in emerald to be professor umbridge in hp. She said no but as think of it now seems similar. But more on puritans sorta life base. Then few others went on then Richelle asked Day before her signing she did a q&a on Reddit and she announced what she is writing next, she asked who of us have read it. I rose my hand and Richelle was out loud typical you have to me and mind you still at the signing. But shocking no one at the signing had besides me. Then rest were majority Vampire academy based. Which Richelle couldn’t say much. But yea then went to signing part and got all my arcs, manuscript and rare edition books signed

Plus Forgot soundless in the pic.

Lady we got posters for the glittering court that was rad!!

But that was my day. I loved every moment and hopefully meet Richelle again.

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There is nothing better than a great cup of coffee and an even better book.

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